

where do i bring my box tops

were do i bring my box tops
- Spawn

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- ConcernedTreasurer
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You need to submit your box tops to the designated box top coordinator for your school. The coordinator submits to the box tops to BTFE. If you don't know which school to choose you can go to the website and put in your zip code and choose a school from there. You can see the coordinator on there or call the 1888#. Hope this helps.
- 1helper
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You need to submit your box tops to the designated box top coordinator for your school. The coordinator submits to the box tops to BTFE. If you don't know which school to choose you can go to the website and put in your zip code and choose a school from there. You can see the coordinator on there or call the 1888#. Hope this helps.
- 1helper
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