

principles role

what is the principles role in pto?
- emt8423

That changes from school to school, but I'd say in general the principal's role is advisor and facilitator. The principal can help you understand the school's areas of need and concern, thus helping you to focus your efforts. He can tell you, for example, that the school is focusing on building literacy achievement. As a result, you might organize a Family Reading Night and create a reading tutor program. Likewise, the principal can communicate your desire to help in a constructive way to the teachers, thus bridging any communication gap. The principal is also a source of information for many parent group leaders. He might be able to tell you some of the activities that have been successful in the past, suggest do's and don'ts in working with teachers and staff, etc. Beyond that, the principal doesn't have an official role in most PTOs -- he doesn't vote, set the agenda, etc.
- Craig
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