

can treasurer continue after child graduates

Our treasurer that has been on the board for 3 terms. She had a child in the school who is now leaving to go to middle school in a different town. Can she still be the treasurer? ps. Also this person never even showed up for meetings.... HELP HELP
- amostazi

In your by-laws, there should be a requirement for meeting attendance and under what circumstances someone can be removed from a position. Review them. If these items are not addressed, you will want to update your bylaws. In our state (California) a person can still hold a position and volunteer even if they do not have students in the school.
- Radmomincali
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Hi amostazi -- To elaborate on what Radmomincali says below, you should check your bylaws to see if there's anything that prevents your treasurer from continuing. Your bylaws might say that officers should have a child in the school, or they might say that to be a member of the group, you must have a child in the school. If they don't say either of those things (and you don't have term limits), then there's nothing preventing your treasurer from running for reelection.
- Craig
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our by-laws have a meeting requirement as an officer, as well as a procedure to remove if that requirement has not been met. if your by-laws do not have a similar clause, you may want to consider ammending them. has this treasurer been repeatedly re-elected? perhaps you may be able to drum up a new candidate to run.
- badpants
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