

Just Starting Out Question

Have the other PTO's here found it better to assign a coordinator to each of the ongoing fundraising programs -- i.e., Box Top, Scrips -- to run; and recruit volunteers to run monthly fundraisers, like Dance-A-Thon, etc. Or do the PTO's members together focus on the fundraising programs assigning different tasks to volunteers If you just assign the program to a coordinator, how do you make sure everything is getting done with regards to that fundraiser? I guess the question is, do we focus on one thing at a time, or have several volunteers assigned to work independently on several programs? Thanks :)
- coordinatorkelly

Hi Kelly -- It's typical to have coordinators for ongoing programs like collecting box tops or labels. Many groups have a fundraising committee that oversees all fundraisers (sometimes the board handles this duty), with different people taking the lead for each one. The best way to work with coordinators, or committees, for that matter, is to give them the parameters of the assignment, then let them go ahead and do the work. You want to let them be creative and get things done the way that works best for them. But you also want them to report back regularly and demonstrate that the work is being done and to show you the results. The article Polish Your Delegation Skills details how this process works and offers advice for running it effectively.
- Craig
Links in this post:

Polish Your Delegation Skills: https:/