

Creating New Committee

I'm trying to create a three committees "Family to Family Giving", "Family Awareness" & "Partners in Education". Can you give me some pointers?

What goals do you have for the three committees? It's not 100 percent clear just from the names what you're hoping they will do.
- Craig
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Is the "Family to Family Giving" committee about families sponsoring less fortunate families like what people do with the Angel tree around Christmas time? I would like that committee. I would rather be donating my time and money to a good cause that is close to my inner circle. Blind donations to general organizations isnt very rewarding, but helping another family at your school. MUCH more fun. :) I also like the ideas of donations being strictly for the students and kids in the family. During tough times, no child should have to be without. In Maryland, I remember my sons school at the beginning of the year, you would buy a "supply kit" at the beginning of the year for your child. It was a kit that had their pencil box, binder, crayons, etc... It cost like $30. Then I was asked if I wanted to buy an additional one for another student? I said yes, give me 3 more. I figured I just did my fundraising for the year, and I just helped out 3 other students who's family could not afford the $30. I looked at it like..... Well, in the past I was given a huge list that included 10 gluesticks, 5 binders, etc... because I was obviously buying for the kids who didnt bring in stuff and it was just annoying. And that total was around $80 anyway. Now I have a tax deduction. :)
- Firefly7071
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