

501 (C) 3 V.S. 501 (C)4

I just found out that our parent club is not 501 (c)3 but a 501 c)4. This means donations to our group are not tax deductilble for the giver. We have no idea why we are not a 501 (c) 3. Has anyone ran into this before?
- AudraDavis

we are dealing with it right now! We are joining the today plus program to guide us through it. I had to do our taxes last year and it was a headache. If taxes are not done for three years in a row then the IRS dissolves your 501 status whether it's c3 or c4 so I would check on that as well. There are alot of PTO/PTA's on here who have gone thru this I suggest checking articles and the message board. Good Luck!
- lisasgirlz
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