

Principal pre-meetings

Our principal insists on having meetings with the Board before our PTO meetings. During these meetings he shares information regarding funding, turning down items, etc. During our PTO meetings, he says his speech at the beginning of the meeting and then promptly leaves. None of the topics he discussed during the meeting with the Board are discussed. I feel as though he is "approving" our agenda, and don't feel that he has the right to do so. I think the Board should not have to attend these obligatory meetings where discussions are had and not shared with the PTO body. It feels altogether "back-room" and in the past these pre-meetings have resulted in "fixed" election attemps where "his candidate" is talked to before a meeting. It doesn't feel right. Thoughts?

First of all, communication is good. The better you understand the principal's goals, needs, etc. and the better he understands yours...the better for both of you. Instead of letting the principal dictate the agenda for these pre-meeting meetings, come with your own agenda. Make an effort to communicate your needs to the principal. Try to see this as a give and take rather than the principal dictating his wishes. If he says something you don't like or don't agree with, make sure you say so. I'm not suggesting that you pick fights, only show that you are treating your relationship as a businesslike partnership rather than seeing him as the boss. Also, in your general meetings, be open about what the principal has told you. Use your own discretion, of course, but don't be afraid of communicating to your members in general that "the principal prefers we do X" and even stating "the board thinks Y would be better." This transition maybe difficult or uncomfortable for a time, but in the end I think you all will benefit. For more on how to improve relations with the principal, read Make the Principal Your Partner and Negotiating With the Principal. Good luck!
- Craig
Links in this post:

Make the Principal Your Partner: https:/

Negotiating With the Principal: https:/