

Returned Check

I have a returned check from a board member who have been contact 3 times, via letters and phone call. I need advice on how to handle or what other pto's have done in this situation.
- heidieldridge

What a frustrating situation! Ultimately you have two choices when dealing with people who won't settle a bad check -- take them to small claims court or write off the money. Which a group chooses depends on how much money is in question and how much effort you're willing to put into collecting. You do have the option of putting the check through again. Usually you can contact the bank the check is written on to see if there are sufficient funds to cover it. Having a board member be the culprit complicates things. If you do decide to take him to court, send a registered letter with return receipt (so you can prove it was delivered) stating the information on the check and a date when payment is required (give him a week or 10 days). In any case, you of course shouldn't take another check from him and you might want to prevent him from handling any cash or having anything to do with group finances until the check is paid. For more details and tips, read the article Dealing With Bad Checks.
- Craig
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Dealing With Bad Checks: https:/