


dose the princapl have the right to speed the money in the pto account with out a vote
- pleasantonkspto

No. The PTO has final say over how the money is spent. The principal shouldn't be spending money directly from the account -- he should be asking the PTO and getting a check from the treasurer.
- Craig
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thank you for your answer we have our prinapal that spent money on food to be brought in for her and teachers the teachers did not agree and this has happend several times in the past year. there are missing checks we have asked for bank staments made her mad had to go to school board they were not happy we asked to they like her but the board sd she had to give bank staments she gave us a list found missing ck numbaers we should have bank staments by AUG 17th she sd there was no pto so she had the right to spend money how she wanted but there was a PTO president please tell us how to hanndel this matter . I say theif and she should be arrested for this alot of money is missing thank you
- pleasantonkspto
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The number one financial safeguard for any PTO is that the person who holds the checkbook should not be the person receiving the bank statements. When one person does both, groups end up in the situation you're now in -- you don't know how your money is being spent and you have no means to make sure it's being spent properly. That's a situation you should resolve immediately. I also don't think the principal should be holding the checkbook -- your treasurer should maintain it. As far as the principal's actions, I know you're upset but I wouldn't jump to the word "thief." That, to me, would be someone who takes PTO money for personal use. If she is using it for the school -- no matter how questionable that use may be -- your best course is going to be to create a better situation moving forward. What's in the past is past. You still need to work with the principal so it's going to be important, for the sake of the school and the kids, to mend fences. Now, if you discover she's actually been taking funds for her own personal use, that's an entirely different story. I hope you'll keep us posted on what happens when you receive the bank statements. Good luck! You should have your own bank account, your treasurer (or president) should have the checkbook
- Craig
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We never got the bank staments they are refusing to do so know they will not let us have meetings at the school or any funraiser so sad what should we do just drop it or take this to a a laywer we are so lost the board is not helping they have to be hiding something I really do not understand why they just dont give us the bank staments please tell us were to go from here
- pleasantonkspto
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Well since I have last talked to you there happend to be many monnies missing we watied for long time for staments we finally got them there was many cash wih draws money was not spent and by the way 3 hours later when we got the bank stamments the princapal quit 3 hours later we are now seeking leagel device this was not right we went from 17,000 to 4,000 we live in a very poor comunity that was our childrens money so sad
- pleasantonkspto
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I'm so sorry this happened. If you haven't already, you should go to the police. They can help determine how much was taken and help you get at least some of the money back. Best wishes from all of us at PTO Today.
- Craig
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Thank you so much I do belive in people and I do beleave we will take it to the police one is on the board so he might just help us out Thank you again
- pleasantonkspto
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