

The Board

How is it possible to make is so that all members of the E-board listen and take everyone's ideas into consideration? Though I'm the President I don't want to be "the heavy." I want to have a peaceful group and have us all get along but how do we make one person see that their ideas aren't always the right ideas. In fact, the idea they're insisting on in our area probably wouldn't go over all that great. The other idea that I firmly believe would be a HUGE success (because I've seen it work) is being seen as cheap and blown off by said person. How do I make them see the light without sounding like a jerk?
- Cnadeau

You don't have to be the heavy, but you have to be a leader. If you want to try an idea, say so and promote it. You're the president; your voice will carry weight. Present your plan in a positive way and focus the discussion on that plan. Don't let it become an either/or discussion. It sounds like you have someone on your board who is pretty pushy. If you haven't read it yet, I'd recommend the article How To Deal With Difficult People.
- Craig
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How To Deal With Difficult People: https:/