


Does anyone know if childcare is permitted during PTO meetings held at the school? I'm trying to get more parents involved in our meetings & one of the major issues is childcare. I have several teenagers that are willing to care for the children in say the gym area while the meeting is held.
- Jaime

We usually get one of our school clubs to do the childcare in a designated classroom. Adults (usually the club sponsor or advisor) are present as well but the teenage club members do activities with the children.
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Hi Jaime,
Many groups provide childcare for meetings or encourage parents to bring their children. Your idea about teenagers helping out is a good one. You probably want to double check with the principal to see if their are any issues associated with having teens (or other adults) watch the children while a meeting takes place. But, otherwise, it is a great thing to promote to your parents because some will stay away from meetings if they think they can not bring the kids along with them.
- Rose H
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We use the clubs from the area high school (Beta Club, National Honor Society, Future Educators, etc.) to offer child care for our parents. Surprisingly not a lot of parents use the child care but for those who do, it keeps them coming back.
- brespto
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I encourage anyone to attend our meetings, with or without children. If we want them to volunteer, then we all need to realize thats the only way some can. A babysitter is a luxury I never had, and if I wouldnt have been able to take my child, then a lot would have gone undone. :)
- Leaphart mom
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We welcome children at all the meetings because like in my case I can't pay a babysitter every time I volunteer. This year we have looked into get a few middle school students to come and sit with them in the back of the library (this is where our meetings are at) to help keep them busy so they aren't getting into the books and running wild!! We have the budget to pay them but because they are middle school age they don't expect a ton of money!
- Knenoff00
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We always have a babysitter at our meetings. You can always ask the area high school ROTC or Honor Societys. They may need volunteer work.
- jmapenguin
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