


Looking for grants or other ways to bring technology into our school which has almost none at this time. Any ideas or something you've already done? Looking for something aside from fundraisers (which we're already planning). Thanks
- kelannigan

Hi kelannigan,
For starters, we have several good articles on the site about finding grants and writing proprosals for grants.

Here are some links:

Finding and Winning Grants

Tips for Writing Successful Grant Proposals

Working with a Local Education Foundation

In terms of what technology to purchase, you might consider reaching out to other PTOs in your area as well as your own school administration to determine what the needs might be. What you want to do is make sure you are selecting the right tool and not just purchasing technology to get it in the door. We did an article at the start of last school year about iPad purchases that you might find helpful as well.

One other recommendation, always feel free to post questions on our Message Boards ( or Facebook page ( Our community members are happy to share their experiences.

Good luck!
Rose C.

- Rose H
Links in this post:

Finding and Winning Grants: https:/

Tips for Writing Successful Grant Proposals: https:/

Working with a Local Education Foundation: https:/

iPad purchases: https:/