

Questionnaire to get parents input on how to get them involved

I am in the position where I may be moving from Secretary to President for the upcoming year. Our attendance at the meetings is extremely low. I would like to put together a questionnaire for parents to give me their input on what we could do to get them involved. I would also like to ask questions about what type of events they would like to see take place and what fundraisers they would participate in. Does anyone have something like this that they have done? I am just looking for something to go by to get started.
- kbryant10

Hi kbryant10,
We applaud you for wanting to step up to the president's position and it is a great idea to get feedback from parents. If you take a look at our Surveys section on the File Exchange, you will find a number of survey templates that you could use to get feedback and helpful input from parents. 

Also, try not to stress about meeting attendance. We know it is one of the more visible things about your group, but it isn't the key measurement for your group's success. If you have parents getting involved, helping out, and working on behalf of your school, then your group is a success. But the survey is a good idea. You may find that parents want to meet in the evenings, or only once every two months. You may find that having a guest speaker on a topic important to parents will help boost attendance. Follow their lead. But, remember, there's so much more to your group.

Good luck and stay in touch!

Rose C.
- Rose H
Links in this post:

Surveys section : https:/ /filesharing/category/66-surveys