

Poll the Parents

Has anyone ever attempted to poll the parents? Our school has a huge problem with lack of volunteers and parent involvement. A few of us on the board thought it might be a great idea to see what the parents expect from the PTA, what would get them to help, or quite frankly if they even want a PTA. Just curious if anyone else has tried this.

Parent groups do survey parents, teachers, and volunteers to get a better sense of how they are doing and how to improve. It's a good idea. Chances are you may not love every response you get (some parents will have things to say about what you should/shouldn't do while telling you they don't have a moment to volunteer!!), but you'll also get some wonderful responses and helpful ideas.

We have a section on our File Exchange that has a number of different survey templates that you could use:

Also, if you have a problem with a lack of volunteers and parent involvement, take heart. It's an ongoing problem for many groups. We were just recommending to another PTO leader that they take a look at our 2 Hour Power Program. It's a nice way to not overwhelm parents and get them to commit to helping your group for just two hours before the end of they year. You may want to give it a try. 

Good luck!

Rose C.
- Rose H
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survey templates: https:/

2 Hour Power Program.:

Our problem is even if we run a survey/ poll not even 1/4 of the people will respond. We can't figure out how to get people to help and respond. Then all they do is complain about what we do. It is VERY frustrating.
- mnowak8202
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It can be very frustrating. One suggestion is to try very targeted requests for help. For example, if you are having an event soon and need volunteers, reach out and ask people to help do a specific task for a specific and short period of time. People often find this much easier to handle that a more general request for help. You may helpful this video of our founder Tim Sullivan discussing this very issue:

Good luck!
Rose C.
- Rose H
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