

PTO - fee to use name

Is there a Fee to use the PTO name in your school? If so what are the Fee's? Do you have to become a non-profit to start a PTO in your school?
- vallejos1618

Hi valleejos1618,

You can start up a PTO first and then take the steps you need to get non-profit status.
There should be no fee (who would charge it?) for calling your group a PTO. Thinking that some of our PTO start-up articles would be helpful:

How To Start a PTO

Get Your PTO Up and Running

You may also want to purchase our Startup Kit, which costs $49 and it packed with everything you need to get started, including step-by-step instructions for becoming a nonprofit organization. Here's the link to that:

Also, as you move forward, please feel free to post specific questions as they come up. You can post them here or in our Facebook group, PTO & PTA Leaders. It's a very active and helpful group. Here's the link:

Good luck,
- Rose H
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We had just incorporated our PTO and received non-profit status from the IRS. Our school is a private elementary school. There is no and should not be any fee applicable when setting up a PTO for your school.

Secondly, you need not be a non-profit to start a PTO. We were not for about 4 years but it was difficult to fundraise when parents/businesses could not get tax-deductions for their contributions so its a good incentive to get non-profit status eventually.
Good luck!
- Inconditus
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