

Registered Agent?

We are a fairly new PTO in North Carolina and are in the process of filing for incorporation and tax-exempt status. I would like some guidance on naming our registered agent in our articles of incorporation. Should we name a current board member as the registered agent? Do we use the school address or the individual's address? Do we have to update our articles of incorporation every time we switch board members? Thanks for any advice you can give!

Hi! We are a PTO for an elementary private schooling North houston, Tx - I had engaged a professional company to guide us through the 501c3 filing process and we have just received our non-profit status last week :-) to answer your question..we used a combination of school administrators and pro board members as our registered agents and use school address for all of them (remember your articles of incorporation will become public document so you do not want home address for public viewing). You do NOT need to update your article of incorporation overtime you switch board members..keep your contents focused on designations (treasurer, president etc) instead of actual names in that document. Good luck!
- Inconditus
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