

Electronic Payments/Billpay vs Issuing Checks

Are any of your PTO's using their bank's electronic bill pay option rather than issuing checks? What additional controls do you have in place to mitigate not having a second check signer? Thank you.

We'd love to know more about this, as well. One thought is to post this as a question in our PTO and PTA Leaders & Volunteers Facebook group to see how other leaders and groups have handled this situation. It's a closed group but you'll be able to be a member after answering a few short questions. Good luck! Liz from PTO Today
- Liz L
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Hello, I would like to say that Payiw's ???? ??? is a critical aspect of our company's financial management. We evaluated various methods for efficiently cashing out such payments and determined that e-wallets and payment systems were most suitable for our needs. Using platforms such as PayPal, Stripe or Square, we can accept small payments from customers quickly and securely. This is especially convenient for us since we operate in the online sphere and strive to provide our clients with the maximum level of convenience and security when paying for our services.
- daddario
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