

Parental Involvement

How can a parent get involved in middle school; and does what you do vary with where you live, i.e. rural, suburban or urban area?

No question, involvement changes in middle school. There's still a role for parent groups, though, and many groups do an outstanding job at the middle school level. Some of the things you can do at the middle school level include supporting clubs and helping to organize after-school and extracurricular activities, supporting teachers (though not usually as in-class volunteers) and helping to fund classroom needs, and facilitating communication with parents. Flyers sent through the backpack express don't tend to make it all the way home, so setting up adult to adult communication is extremely helpful. For activities, the secret is to co-opt the kids. Get the kids to help choose and even organize your activities. For a great overview of running a middle school PTO, read Middle School PTO: A Blueprint for Success. You'll also find lots more about middle school success on our Middle School topic page, including middle school tips for success and ideas for middle school events.
- Craig
Links in this post:

Middle School PTO: A Blueprint for Success: https:/

Middle School topic page: https:/