
Drawing paper or watercolor paper


White crayon or wax crayon 


Watercolor set and brushes

Small containers for water and salt (Dixie cups and recycling items like yogurt cups are a good size)

Optional: Pictures of fish

How to Make:

Talk about fish and how they swim. Ask the children what parts of the fish they know - ex. eyes, gills, scales, fins.

Practice drawing ovals and turning them into fish. Use oval shapes to help younger kids get started.

On the fish drawings, use a wax or white crayon to create invisible patterns or scales. They will resist and appear when painted over by watercolors.

Next paint your fish. 

For added fun texture, sprinkle salt over the wet paint as you work. It will leave a speckled pattern when it dries.

For a fun background, paint a sponge and pat it around the background. 

Allow to dry.

When the painting is completely dry brush off the salt.