100 Days of PTO/PTA Canva Template for Social Media

Celebrating the 100th day of school? Share everything your PTO or PTA has accomplished in the first 100 days with our 100 Days of PTO/PTA social media graphic.
When the 100th day of school rolls around, we're all about the fun stuff, like surprising teachers with 100 Grand candy bars and encouraging students to dress like they're 100 years old (more ways to celebrate the 100th day of school here). But what about your PTO's first 100 days? Think about everything you've accomplished so far, big and small. It's pretty amazing, isn't it? We love how PTO and PTA groups are showing all their wins with "100 Days of PTO/PTA". Customize our 100 Days of PTO/PTA Canva template for social media to show families how much good your group has done in the first 100 days of school. You might just inspire a few more parents to get involved, too!
100 Days of PTO/PTA Facebook/Instagram Graphic (Canva Template)
Get even more ways to celebrate the 100th day of school with teachers and students 👉
Want even more ideas for your PTO or PTA? Check out what's trending across PTO and PTA groups.