From Trunk or Treat to Boo Grams, Here are the Very Best Free Halloween Printables

Get your PTO ready for fun this fall with free Halloween printables and Canva templates from our community.
From Trunk or Treat awards and flyers to Halloween bingo, monster-themed fun runs, boo grams, and teacher appreciation, October is a great time to plan school events and fundraisers. Below, we round up some of the best free Halloween printables and Canva templates shared by our awesome community of PTO and PTA leaders!
Halloween Boo Grams (Free Printable)
Trunk or Treat Trunk Awards (Free Printables)
To encourage participation, some schools will give awards for the best decorated trunks, like “creepiest trunk” or “fan favorite”. Marshall Elementary PTO in Rockford, Illinois, created their own skeleton-themed awards for less than $56, and they were so spooktacular we just had to share with the PTO Today community! Below, find a link to their Trunk or Treat awards (Canva templates) and a shoppable list of supplies you’ll need to recreate these fun skeleton Trunk or Treat trophies.
Here are the supplies you’ll need to make these Trunk or Treat skeleton award trophies:
- Bases (mini bamboo charcuterie boards) from Ikea
- 16" skeletons from Amazon
- Gold trophies from Amazon
- Pumpkin tin pails from Dollar Tree
- 8" x 10" gold picture frames from Dollar Tree
Thanks for Being a Fa-BOO-lous Teacher Gift Tag (Free Printable)
Package up candy and treats for teachers and leave a "fa-boo-lous" surprise in their mailbox! Or, deliver on a "all treats, no tricks" Halloween-themed teacher treat trolley. Get more fall teacher appreciation ideas
Halloween Boo Grams (Free Printable)
Halloween Boo Grams (Tootsie Pop Grams and Blind Bags) (Free Printable)
Halloween Boo Grams Flyer (Free Printable)
Freshly "Boo'ed" Coffee - Teacher Appreciation Sign (Free Printable)
Trunk or Treat Candy Monster Donation Request Flyer (Free Printable)
Halloween Bingo Flyer (Free Printable)
Halloween Themed Howl-O-Week Flyer (Free Printable)
Trunk or Treat Flyer (Free Printable)
Trunk or Treat Flyer (Free Printable)
Trunk or Treat Flyer and Volunteer Sign Up (Free Printables)
Want even more ideas for your PTO or PTA? Check out what's trending across PTO and PTA groups.