Welcome Your New PTO President With a Winning Ticket (Canva Template)

The perfect welcome gift for newly elected PTO and PTA Presidents (and other officers, too)...all you need is a printer and a sense of humor!
If your school parent group has a sense of humor (kind of a must for this job), this one's for you!
Inspired by a post originally shared in our private Facebook group community for leaders, this genius PTO President "winning ticket" is such a fun way to welcome newly elected PTO and PTA officers. After all, they pretty much just won the jackpot by stepping into this awesome role on your group, so why not give them the winning tickets they deserve? This Canva template features editable text so you can customize it with your own board titles and text. New recruits can even scan their ticket to get a free school year planning calendar from PTO Today to start the year off organized and ready to roll.
If you're stepping down and passing the torch, so to speak, you just might want to pair your new PTO president's ticket with this glowing Olympics style torch, a torch shaped stress reliever, or this magical fairy wand (if only it really worked). Truly, laughter is a great way to welcome new PTO and PTA leaders to your group and build camaraderie...the perfect start to a new school year!
Winning Ticket Canva Template
If you're transitioning out of your PTO role, we'll miss you...but maybe we'll see you again soon? 😉 Being on the PTO is truly one of the most rewarding volunteer gigs ever. You may only get paid in smiles, but the work you do to make your school community better off than it was before is priceless! A big thank you to all those who step up to serve on the PTO or PTA. We see you, we hear you, we get you...and we're here for you here at PTO Today!
@aliyarinaldi PTO President 4lyfe #pto #ptopresident #elementarypta #ptapresident #roommom #pta #pto #schoolvolunteer ♬ nintendo wii (mii channel) song - julie on the internet
Want even more fun ideas to pass along to your new PTO board? Check out what's trending across PTO and PTA groups.