40+ Hilarious Memes About Volunteering at School

Get our free mega bundle of memes about volunteering (and joining the PTO, of course), in one handy download.
Chances are, your PTO has a Facebook or an Instagram...maybe even a TikTok (go you!). If your PTO struggles with parent engagement on social media, try adding a few memes and reels to the mix!
Once parents come to the realization that being part of the PTO might actually be...dare we say...fun?! they just might join the PTO or at least come to a meeting. Below, we round up some of the best memes about volunteering at school. You can download them all (40+) in one handy file below.
Everyone loves memes because they link instantly recognizable pop culture images with witty (and often relatable) captions. Using memes to promote upcoming PTO meetings, volunteer opportunities, and school events is a great way to boost engagement on your group's socials. Check out one PTO's Taylor Swift inspired reel that answers a question as old as time, "So...what exactly does the PTO do?"
Stay on top of what's trending on social media—what are you seeing a lot of in your own feeds?—and think about how you can give them a PTO spin to engage parents. For example, Don Carter PTO took the trend "In my (blank) era" and created an "In my PTO era" reel:
Take advantage of holidays by creating a meme or a reel that's relevant. We love how Bay PTA used a Grinch costume to share how their hearts grow three sizes when they volunteer!
Imagine all the exciting things you'll miss if you're not at the next PTO meeting!
If you can wait in line for hours for a cup, chances are you can also make it to the PTO meeting
Me as a PTO parent realizing Leap Day is Feb. 29
What if being on the PTO is actually fun? It is!
Parents in the parking lot vs. you looking for volunteers
Volunteers needed map
True story.
Help a guy out! Seriously, we need volunteers.
Recruiting volunteers for the school book fair takes a dramatic turn.
Did you know the PTO meeting is a great place to ask a lot of questions?
The PTO doesn't need more help. False. The PTO always needs more help!
Is this thing on? Yep, I did it again - I joined the PTO.
Join the PTO "eye test" - works every time.
We're all in this school pick up line thing together.
That moment when you both remember there's a PTO meeting tomorrow
Nothing to see here, just bust planning all the cool stuff that happens throughout the school year (thanks PTO!)
Wanna be in the room where it all happens? Come to the PTO meeting!
I'm going to the PTO meeting tonight, so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious
How my kid smiles for a $200 package of school pictures
I don't want to join the PTO, be a lot cooler if you did
How it feels when you talk your best into volunteering for the PTO (muhaha)
According to my calculations, the next PTO meeting is in 3 days
We're just the PTO officers standing in front of the school community asking you to come to our meeting tonight
Just stepped up as PTO President (I'm fine)
Parent teacher conferences - may the odds be ever in your favor
Yeah I'll join PTO! Took you long enough to ask me!
Oh the weather outside is frightful but the PTO meeting is so delightful
Volunteer at school they said, it will be fun they said
You can join the PTO! And you can join the PTO! You can all join PTO!
OMG Becky, look at that PTO
I was told there would be free donuts at the PTO meeting
Brace yourselves...fall fundraising packets are coming home today
I have asked you thrice to join the PTO
Hey girl, I really love how you volunteer at your school
When you barely survive the first day of the school drop off line
Hurry, carnival presale ends tomorrow
You are Kenough for the PTO
Just a friendly reminder tomorrow is school picture day
Just elected PTO president, probably gonna write a song about it
Taylor approves of volunteering at school
When you finally realize all the awesome stuff the PTO does
Stop, collaborate, and listen, the PTO is looking for a brand new edition
You forgot to join the PTO? Don't worry, there's still time!
Still waiting for a few more volunteers to sign up
There they go asking for more volunteers again
Want more fun for your PTO? Check out our "What's Trending" page for more ideas, shoppable lists for events, and free printables.