Question: fRUSTRATED PTO Co-President

I was PTO Prez last year and have a co-prez this year. I have told her 15 times to let me know if I start saying "I" too much, take over at a meeting, etc. I am used to doing it all by myself. Instead of telling me, she texts sarcastic comments about lack of communication. She tell me that she wants to be included in every text, email, etc. Then I do it and I get a text from her stating" Seriously, its the weekend, unless something is burning down or something is mandatory not text or email me on the weekends , before 8:30 AM M-F or after 3:00PM M-F." so only during school hours. she does not check in with me, but gets angry when she sees what has been going on. It is very frustrating! I will not be her babysitter or her secretary during "off" hours, take notes all weekend and then fill her in when she sees fit. SUGGESTIONS?

Asked by Anonymous



Community Advice

mum24kids writes:
You can only text or email her from 8:30am-3pm M-F? IMHO, that's just unreasonable. She can just check it during those times if she wants to; it shouldn't matter when you send them.

I have to confess I'm not a big fan of co-presidents, but why did you get one this year? I think there really needs to be a very clear delineation of duties when you have co-leaders, and it really sounds like you need it in this case.

Community Advice

LauraJan1 writes:
Get rid of anyone that effects you this negatively.

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