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Re:Reinvent the wheel anyone?

14 years 9 months ago #149888 by lovingmomof3
My school also requires background checks and the principal and secretaries keep them on file, maybe see if there is a file in the office that you can get the list of names, then call them first, We are not required to have clearances for evening events, just to be in the building when school is on otherwise you have to be escorted. We are going to try for a 4 hour rule, this way we can get parents involved. Start with volunteer sheets at 1st event, days and times when you need help might be the best start.
14 years 9 months ago #149885 by mykidsmom
In a matter of ten minutes the, now former, PTO President met with the school's director and disolved a PTO it took five of our to keep going for over ten years. She "just couldn't anymore". Fine. (roll eyes here!)

No time to be bitter because I have been asked to take over all the fundraisers the PTO did for the school (no brainer- I chaired them anyway:) ) but the former Prez. was the one that took care of volunteers and that is on my plate, too. YES, we are signed up the Volunteer Builder but it is three years outdated and I really think I need to start from scratch. HELP!!

The school does require background checks for ALL volunteers, so I have names but little to no contact information (all the form asks for is a phone number- so I have 500 phones numbers).

I don't need to reinvent the wheel but feel like we need four new tires!

I will take any advise! And yes, she is gone, the bridge is still smoldering, not kidding :(.
Just not sure where to start.

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