Color runs, bubble runs, and obstacle courses...plan an unforgettable fun run! Here's how 👉

Bake Sale Supplies List


Tables, signs, trash cans, and everything else to help your sale come off without a hitch.


Check whether any of these items are available in the PTO supply closet or to borrow from the school.

  • Tables

  • Knives (if your event is on school property, check with the principal about bringing knives on campus)

  • Spatulas and other serving utensils

  • Extra serving platters for store-bought or donated goods

  • Coolers

  • Pitchers or bottles to prepare and serve beverages

  • Trash and/or recycling receptacles

  • Sign or banner with your parent group’s name

  • Sign announcing how funds will be used

  • Tent or canopy to protect goods from harsh sunlight or light rain, if the sale will be held outdoors

  • Cash in small denominations

  • Cash box

  • ________________________________________________

  • ________________________________________________

  • ________________________________________________

  • ________________________________________________

  • ________________________________________________

  • ________________________________________________

Originally posted in 2008 and updated regularly.

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