Finance & Budget

Create a PTO Budget

An important part of the planning process is to create a budget. Here are the nuts and bolts of setting up a good parent group budget.

Free Electronic Payments Guide
Online Payment Processing Guide for PTOs and PTAs

Significantly Increase Your Group's Income With This

In our guide to online payment processing, we cover vendor options, benefits, risks, and more to help you get started.

Smart Money Tips

Money-Saving Tips for PTO and PTA Leaders

Smart tips from leaders on how they make their hard-earned cash stretch further.

PTO Today Article

The Parent Group Budgeting Process When Times Aren’t Normal

How to make a budget even when you have a lot of questions about what happens next.

PTO Today Article

Forms To Manage Your Group's Cash Flow

Bring more efficiency to cash management with our editable Excel forms.


Holiday Sales Shopping Tips for PTOs and PTAs

Take these tips with you when you hit those Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and all the other after-holiday sales to get deals on items your group can use all year.


Annual Audit: How and Why

A yearly audit is a key safeguard for your money and a planning tool for the year ahead. Think of it as a "year in review" for your finances. Here's how to do one.

Finance & Budget

Could You Be Your PTO's Treasurer?

Would you make a good treasurer candidate? Ask yourself these 3 key questions to see if you have the basic skills.

Finance & Budget

How To Manage Your Budget

These basic bookkeeping procedures will help you keep your PTO budget in order.

Finance & Budget

10 Tips for Handling and Protecting Your Assets

Could your group use some more money smarts? Our 10 tips can help with your budget, record-keeping, and more.

Finance & Budget

14 Tips for Preventing PTO and PTA Embezzlement

How to prevent theft—and what to do if it happens to you.

PTO Today Article

Figuring Finances for Events

How to build a simple cost model and estimate the start-to-finish finances for your group's new events.

PTO Today Article

Get Your Financial House in Order

Implementing financial controls is a key organizational step. These practices will help your group track income and expenses and keep your assets safe. 

PTO Today Article

5 Smart Financial Controls

Avoid unnecessary headaches with these practices to keep your assets safe and your records clean and up to date.

PTO Today Article

When To Change Banks

If the fees are piling up or there's a limit to the number of transactions you can make each month, it might be time to look for a better checking account at a new banking center. Keep a few basics in mind when you do.


What Every Treasurer Should Know

Being a good treasurer takes planning and organization. Follow these pointers and you'll be ready for success.

PTO Today Article

Preventing Theft: Why It's Crucial

Theft from PTOs and PTAs doesn't happen because there's a criminal in your midst. It happens because need meets opportunity—opportunity you can and should prevent.

PTO Today Article

What Should PTOs Pay For?

Tighter school budgets mean parent groups are asked to fund more and more items that used to be paid for by the administration.

Finance & Budget

Budget Basics for PTOs

Budgeting makes all of your financial decisions easier. Follow these steps to create a budget for your PTO, even if you’ve never had one before.