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5 Reasons To Hold a Family Tech Talk Virtual Event


Thinking of organizing a Family Tech Talk Virtual Event? Here are five reasons why you should.

by Kerri Beauchesne


Our free Family Tech Talk Virtual Event program is an easy way for your PTO or PTA to help parents talk with their kids about apps, cyberbullying, and finding balance in an increasingly digital world. Here are five reasons why that’s important:

1. It positions your group as a trusted resource within the school community.

Lots of parents struggle with talking to their kids about sensitive and sometimes taboo topics like cyberbullying, Snapchat, sexting, and more. By making this topic a priority at school, it shows that your group provides the kind of helpful information that parents are looking for.

2. It’s nice to have an event for just parents occasionally.

Imagine being able to finish a whole sentence without any interruptions! We recommend offering babysitting—some groups even have middle schoolers or high schoolers on site to fill that role.

Help parents learn the risks kids face online with our free Family Tech Talk webinar

3. The holidays often bring new tech devices.

This means parents could really use some guidance on how to help keep their kids safe online and encourage responsible Internet use around the winter holidays.

4. It’s a great add-on to an existing school event.

If your school guidelines allow in-person gatherings, tack a Family Tech Talk Event onto a spaghetti supper, book fair, or other community event that gets everyone out and having fun after a busy holiday season. If you're all virtual, invite parents to enjoy some pizza while on the call.

5. Our free planning kit makes it super easy to do.

The kit includes a step-by-step planning guide and tools to help you promote your event. You set the date and invite the parents, and the representative from Trend Micro, our Family Tech Talk Virtual Event sponsor, does all the talking! The representative also leads the all-important Q&A period where parents can ask their most-pressing questions.

Download your free Family Tech Talk Virtual Edition kit now to start planning this important event for the new year!

Family Tech Talk Night™ is a trademark of School Family Media®.

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