Question: Mother/Son Event - what is politically correct?

We are having a mother/son event and it was brought up at our meeting that the title "mother/son" might offend some people or hurt some people. I completely understand, I just don't know what to call the event without saying "son/significant female role model" which was the suggestion, but a bit wordy for the flyers. Any suggestions would be welcome! Thanks and have a wonderful day!!!

Asked by BeachBum



Community Advice

CMay2CK writes:
We used to have Mother/Son and Father/Daughter events. We now call them "Girl's Night" and "Boy's Night" with "must be accompanied by an adult." We haven't had any issues with PC wording since. And the majority of attendees bring an opposite sex adult.

Community Advice

vanessa writes:
We use the Mother/Son, Father/Daughter terms, but in our letters/fliers to the students/families we say to bring the "special lady" or "special man" in your life.

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