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room parents handbook

18 years 6 months ago #73563 by writermom
Replied by writermom on topic RE: room parents handbook
I love the room parent idea. It's a great way for people who don't want to be involved in PTO (ahem, like at my school)to be involved in the school. I wonder why your principal is dragging her feet on this though. What's her hesitation? I think I would talk with her more about it, tell her there are parents and teachers behind the idea and maybe work up a handbook to show her what you have in mind.
18 years 6 months ago #73562 by sheri16411
Replied by sheri16411 on topic RE: room parents handbook
I think that would be a wonderful idea ;) We hace head room moms ans then room moms under her. It woul dbe os nice to have a book as a reference so as to how to get ahold of who for parties. We aslo have our room moms take turns for snack at the PTO meetimgs. For example one 4th grade will bring for parents and the other 4th grade will bring for the kiddos in the babysitting room. [img]smile.gif[/img]
18 years 8 months ago #73561 by J chette
room parents handbook was created by J chette
We want to introduce the room parent concept (lead and assistant room parents)discussed in earlier posts in our school but are having a horrific time getting anywhere with it. We feel that since the room parents are all PTO members that we should be able to write a handbook for our members but our principal has told us that we should wait and do this next year. The whole conversation began over one year ago and she feels we still need to "talk some more about it". OK how much talk do we need?! Can we go ahead and write out a simple handbook so the lead and assistant room parents will have a guide w/o the principal's approval? Please let me know! By the way, several of the teachers had no idea this was a project we have been working on and are thrilled with it! Comments can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or posted-thanks!
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