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cow plop bingo

16 years 11 months ago #133790 by JannaM
Replied by JannaM on topic RE: cow plop bingo
Ok you had me curious at "cow plop"! Here are some farms that might be able to help you out. Drumlin Farms located in Lincoln MA.
This place has a Zebu Calf which sounds very exotic to me. Might start a Zebu Plop craze. Smolak Farms in North Andover MA.
Great Brook Farm:
Richardsons in Middletown:
I wish you luck! I am in Billerica and I would love to hear how it goes. Just not too many details!!!!
Take care,
16 years 11 months ago #133782 by northeastmom
Replied by northeastmom on topic RE: cow plop bingo
Wow, I have never heard of this and we live in Oklahoma!! What a fun idea! Please tell me, what field do you use for the cow,is it at the school or someplace off campus? Also how big is the field and how many squares do you mark off for it, basically I guess I want the details!! Thanks!!
17 years 5 days ago #133476 by WFS
Replied by WFS on topic RE: cow plop bingo
Zeekaboo--- my sister in VT worked out that detail in case it did land on a line. They heard from another organization that you have to have more than one "judge" go out and actually divide it up, weigh it and award the money to the square with the most poo.
It's a job that I definitely would not volunteer for!!
but you bring up a good point, you need to have that all in your "rules" in case. Just like what if the cow never does poo.

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17 years 1 week ago #133422 by sciencemom
Replied by sciencemom on topic RE: cow plop bingo
Thanks for the 4H idea. i will contact them. Maybe they will even supply a "clean-up crew".

This will be my project for the summer. I will let you know next fall how it goes. Wish me luck!!
17 years 1 week ago #133358 by JHB
Replied by JHB on topic RE: cow plop bingo
Those discussing it last week mentioned the importance of having a "cooperative" cow.

But no one could figure out how to ensure that cooperation....
17 years 1 week ago #133355 by zeekaboo
Replied by zeekaboo on topic RE: cow plop bingo
A local church in our area does this as a fundraiser. It is a blast, and it nets them a profit of 5K. They sell tickets for so much a square and then the morning of..... basically wait. The cow has never disappointed the crowd, although it took up to 3 1/2 hours one time. The winner gets 5k and the church gets 5k. I guess it depends on how much you charge per square and how many squares you determine.
As for the cow, we live in NJ near the shore and there a a few farms right here in Middletown. A local farmer grids his field and donates the use of Bessie.... now for the real question? I wonder what happens if 'it' lands on a corner of four squares?????? Do the spllit the'pot' so to speak.
Here it is called cow pie bingo.

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