Question: How many PTO's are there in the US?

I'd like to know how many PTO's are currently active in the United States.

Asked by ianmcall



Advice from PTO Today

Rockne writes:
Hi Ian - Like your other question on 501c3s, there is no exact answer to this question, because PTOs do not need to formally register or report in to a national body. And like PTAs, some new PTOs start and some old PTOs close each year. In our experience the vast majority of K-8 schools in the US have a parent organization of some sort and some size. There are roughly 83,000 K-8s in the country and roughly 20,500 of those have an official PTA. If one were to assume that 95% of K-8s have a parent group of some sort, you could estimate that there are roughly 58,000 or 60,000 PTOs. And then there are also PTOs at some high schools. Hope that helps some.

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