Question: Who schedules the PTO Events across the country?

It's great that there are so many dates available for PTO Conventions and find out more about such things...I'm VERY disheartened that the full time working PTO President didn't seem to be considered when scheduling events. Is there a reason that these events are on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the middle of the week, when some of leaders across the country have schedules that they need to do a lot of working around on to fit something like this in? I work 40+ hours per week, commute an hour both ways have multiple ec activities in the evenings, also sit on 2 other Boards for other events, and don't have a lot of vacation time to work with. I feel like the small minority of VERY BUSY people has not been considered when scheduling these events.

Asked by MollyK



Advice from PTO Today

Rockne writes:
Hi MollyK - Our staff at PTO Today schedules the events. We've tried all kinds of time and day variations over the 9 years we've been doing these. One day. Two day. Weekday. Weekend. Evening. Of all those, we've found out over time that the one-day weekday model allows us to reach the most parent group leaders in the most cities (which is the main goal). We do know that the weekday-only makes it difficult on working volunteers. Likewise, we know that there are tons of cities we won't be in this year. It's all a process to try and help as many as we can. No disrespect intended to working volunteers just as there's no disrespect intended to folks in Miami or Seattle or the like (cities where we aren't this year). Tim

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