Question: Administrators dictators of PTO

What can you do when Principal and Admin. stop election of PTO because only one person for each position was nominated cancels that election for that day but reschedules elections again with more nominations for 2 weeks later and the day before elections calls a meeting with all parents that got nominated and has a nice lunch in and then hands out a paper which states that the made their desision, they appointed all administrators including the principal as officers and excluded the parents. They say that most school including public schools are doing this? Is this true? We are a Charter school . Is this right?? Please help!! We parents are concern!!!

Asked by hsatigers



Advice from PTO Today

Craig writes:
I wonder if your principal is confusing the school council and the PTO. School councils include administrators, teachers, and parents, and help make key decisions affecting the school. The school council is usually run by the principal, and the principal typically sets the agenda. School councils are required by (relatively recent) state law in many states. The PTO is a support group almost always run by parents, often with the principal and one or more teachers acting in advisory roles. I've heard of plenty of PTOs where the teachers hold offices, but I've never heard of a principal installing himself as president of the PTO. The principal has enough to worry about without trying to take on that role.

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