Question: Giving Gift Cards to top 5 students

Can we (PTO) give a small gift card from $15-$20 to a book store to the TOP 5 students graduating 5th grade?

Asked by lilibeth



Community Advice

chidek writes:
Do your by-laws and/or standing rules permit for this type of award? If they don't specifically speak to awards and/or gifts, then I would think it would be ok.

Advice from PTO Today

Rose H writes:
Chidek makes a great point about the bylaws. If there is no language in the bylaws the prevents it, then a small gift that directly benefits the students seems to be within the general mission of the PTO. We had one thread on the message boardswhere a parent suggested getting a local company to donate gift cards/coupons to use as student gifts. If time permits, that might be another option to cover costs.

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