Question: Money and the Principal

Can the principal of the school tell us what to do with the money we fund raised? Or should I say go the the President of the PTO and tell him he needs two checks each a certain amount and the treasurer did it without any questions. Shouldn't we have voted on it or have been told about it since we are on the board?

Asked by Anonymous



Community Advice

jenilou28 writes:
A principal should never do this! I the principal would like the PTO to fund something, then the Principal should take that request to the PTO Board and/or Membership, esp. if the request deviates greatly from the budget. Remember that reqests for PTO funds should be in writing, and receipts should be received for every red cent o PTO money that is spent!

Community Advice

jenilou28 writes:
And, NO, a principal can NOT TELL the PTO how to spend funds. PERIOD!

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