Question: Robert's Rules

Is it necessary to include Robert's Rules of Order in our bylaws? We've always included them as a reference source, but someone in our organization is taking them much too seriously and the officers have proposed to the public removing them from the bylaws entirely. Is this ok?

Asked by Anonymous



Advice from PTO Today

Craig writes:
The reason to use Robert's Rules is that they have lots of procedures spelled out -- that way you don't have to include those procedures in your bylaws or standing rules. The downside of Robert's Rules is that they're A LOT more complex than PTOs need. Most groups can work by consensus or a very simplified parliamentary procedure most of the time. Robert's Rules really helps primarily when there's a dispute or contentious issue. I'm not sure how to express that in bylaws -- maybe something like: "Meetings will be run by basic parliamentary procedure and rules of fairness. The chair may determine the rules for each meeting based accepted parliamentary procedure. Disputes will be settled using Robert's Rules of Order."

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