Question: Removing a President Elect after Election

Our group recently voted in a President who the Association no longer feels is qualified for the position. (Personal problems, expecting PTA funds to be available for personal use, creating barriers and animosity between volunteers, personal health and family issues needing urgent attention). Term of office starts July 1st, but our PTA would like to "exchange" for a more qualified candidate to take office at that time. Our Bylaws do not stipulate what to do, and we cannot get any assistance from higher-ups. We need help and asap! Thanks!

Asked by Anonymous



Advice from PTO Today

Craig writes:
If your bylaws don't include a clause for removing the president, you really have two choices. Number one is to convince the president to resign, probably based on the idea that she doesn't have enough time to devote to the job at this point. (ie Give her a chance to take the easy way out rather than attacking her.) Number two is to pass a bylaw for removing an officer, then use that bylaw to remove the president. Your bylaw should require sufficient notice that a vote will be taken, then require a two-thirds vote to pass.

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