Question: PTO positions

Our president first day stepped down. So, then just last week our vice president stepped up to be president. Now our Secretary stepped up and became the vice president! So, now we are looking for a 2nd Vice President and Secretary. My question are we doing this right?

Asked by bowman0523



Community Advice

gjcoram writes:
You should look at your by-laws. If they don't specify, then probably Robert's Rules of Order have something to say. Generally, I would expect that a VP can step up to be president (our by-laws say the VP "must"), but you should have a special election to fill other positions.

Community Advice

wkiwaha808 writes:
I stand with gjcoram on this. It really depends on what the bylaws or RRO say. In our PTO, the VP steps up to President, but, then a special election must be held to fill the vacancy of the VP.

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