In the October/November 2017 issue

Free Community Service Guide
Community Service Ideas for PTOs and PTAs

Community Service Ideas for PTOs and PTAs

Service project ideas, tips on publicizing your event, free downloadables and Facebook graphics, and more.

Community Service

School Food Drive: Tips for Success

Collect more food and have more fun with these ideas and tips for your school food drive.

PTO Today Article

PTO and PTA Community Service Ideas for Families

Nine kinds of community service projects that school families can complete together.


Disaster Relief: How School Parent Groups Can Help

We've compiled lists of national and international organizations, local aid groups, and simple ways parent groups can help after disasters like Hurricane Ian.

About the Magazine

About PTO Today

PTO Today magazine is loaded with informative articles, helpful advice, and creative ideas for your group. It’s published 4 times a year, and every K-8 public school automatically receives one free subscription addressed to the parent group president. To make sure your PTO or PTA receives its copy, update your officer info or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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