In the Back to School 2019 issue

Free Appreciation Guide
Volunteer Appreciation Ideas and More

Volunteer Appreciation Matters

From super-simple ideas to grander gestures, say thanks to your volunteers in ways that will make them feel good (and keep them coming back)!

Working With Teachers

Start Strong With Teachers

Tips for communicating and some surefire ways to build good relationships with your school's teachers.

Teacher Appreciation

Teacher Appreciation Throughout the Year

Ways to take the time throughout the year to let your teachers know you appreciate them.

Back to School

What To Tell Parents About Involvement

Messages about involvement to share with parents in emails, newsletters, social posts, and bulletin boards. Use them individually, or combine a few for a longer message.


Don't Say It!

12 casual comments that discourage involvement, 12 positive alternatives that build it.


How To Cultivate Long-Term Volunteers

With some thought and planning, you can turn occasional helpers into committed volunteers.

PTO Today Article

These #ptokids Know How To Make the Most of Any Situation

When parenting and volunteering for the PTO have to happen at the same time, kids often find a way to be involved—and frequently, cute photos result.

PTO Today Article

Box Tops for Education: No More Clipping!

A new mobile app allows users to scan a receipt to receive credit for participating products.


Updated planning calendar, list of school recognition days

We've updated the calendar and school recognition days for the 2023-24 school year! Use it when planning family events, fundraisers, and celebrations. Download and share a copy with your PTO or PTA crew!

About the Magazine

About PTO Today

PTO Today magazine is loaded with informative articles, helpful advice, and creative ideas for your group. It’s published 4 times a year, and every K-8 public school automatically receives one free subscription addressed to the parent group president. To make sure your PTO or PTA receives its copy, update your officer info or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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