In the Winter 2022 issue

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PTO Today Article

Free and Cheap Leadership Resources for PTOs and PTAs

Learn from experts while you’re on the go or scrolling through social media.

Free Involvement Guide

Reenergize Your Group Midyear

Keep your group motivated to carry on with its good work! How to manage volunteers, avoid burnout, and review your financial status.


From Controversy To Consensus

How you lead your group's decision-making process will make the difference between a harmonious outcome or an acrimonious fight.

PTO Today Article

Save the Date! Free PTO Today Events

PTO Today offers two ways you can level up your parent group work, for free: in-person events and virtual education sessions.

PTO Today Article

Principal Q&A: Advice for PTOs

Straight answers to your tough questions from our expert, an experienced principal, teacher, and PTO president.

PTO Today Article

Principal Q&A: Advice for PTOs, Part 2

More of your questions answered by our expert, an experienced principal, teacher, and PTO president.

PTO Today Article

Finding and Winning Grants

Parent groups can and do get grants. Here's how to find, apply for, and win grants to get special projects done.

PTO Today Article

Should You or Shouldn’t You? 10 Questions for Potential Leaders

Are you interested in being a leader? Before you take the plunge, ask yourself these questions.

About the Magazine

About PTO Today

PTO Today magazine is loaded with informative articles, helpful advice, and creative ideas for your group. It’s published 4 times a year, and every K-8 public school automatically receives one free subscription addressed to the parent group president. To make sure your PTO or PTA receives its copy, update your officer info or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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